Re-Evaulating Priorities and the Re-Launch of My Blog!

So for those of you who are unaware since I find so many ways to get around it in convos by playng up my part-time nothings, I have yet again joined the ranks of the unemployed since a month ago. I haven't gone crazy with my copious amounts of free time yet, but it's getting there.
What has happened though is that with this new found freedom, I have started blogging again for a spa review website called Pretty City, where I'm going to share my knowledge of all things beauty... with all the products I use, you know that's a lot of firsthand knowledge! (You can view my beauty blog, "Sunshine, Lollipops, and Beauty Everything," here!)
I began thinking about how much I've neglected my personal blog. I am always hesitating to write and forever coming up with excuses as to why I don't write and then realized that the formula I tried to create way back in the day was way too restricting. My life is chaos and I am all over the place as my blog should be!
Then I was reading an article on targeting Twitter account traffic (Thanks for the article suggestion Manisha!) and the gist of the article was to give your followers what they want... and the epiphany came! What is everyone always asking me?! "How do you hear about all these events?!" So what am I going to do? I'm going to share my knowledge with all of you! Any invite I happen to stumble upon, I'm going to share it right here. That way, you know what I know...sort of! AND I'll free up space on my Facebook profile from my constant sharing! These are all events that I attend or would if my schedule isn't free sometimes. I can't guarantee it's always a good time as some can attest to, but it is what it is!
Now, will it just be invites? Probably not. It will probably be articles I think are interesting. Websites I might stumble across. Non-beauty related items I think are must-haves. But it will lack the same structure that my life does!
I already have some upcoming event invites to post, so I hope you're ready! Feel free to follow the blog too so you're always in the know... Things in this city happen at the speed of lightning and if you can't keep up, you miss out!
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