So for those of you who do not know what The Skint is yet, you will now. I get daily emails sent to my Google Reader that feature a very organized list of events for the day that are clearly marked if they are free or how much they cost, in addition to deals of the day. As you've probably noticed over the past couple of days, I am overwhelmed with the number of events going on today! Below are a few more events taking place tonight thanks to today's post, cleverly titled, "TODAY: SNOW DAY!, FREE GRUB + BOOZE, MATT DAMON"!
First up is Matt Damon of course! He'll be at the Apple Store in Soho with director Paul Greengrass talking about Damon's latest film, "The Green Zone," at 6pm tonight!
New sushi spot in Williamsburg, Sui Ren, is having an opening event today and tomorrow offering free food and drink samples from 6-9pm.
Enjoy free booze at 8pm in the name of "Choker," writer Ben McCool and artist Ben Templesmith's collaborative effort coming to life at Bergen Street Comics!
Last but not least, one of my fave bars, Bar Coastal, is hosting an Olympic Games Viewing Party (I know I've used this photo already, but I chuckle everytime I see it!) with $3 Mooseheads and Molson will be doing giveaways... you know how I feel about free stuff!
If you get to attend any of these events, let me know how they went! I wish I could be everywhere at one time, and sometimes I try to accomplish that, but the reality of the matter is that I'm only one person so try to be my eyes and ears!
During Social Media Week, I met John Wiseman from Thrillist and immediately gushed about how much I love the Thrillist emails and events. When he asked me how I had signed up for their emails, I told him I honestly had no idea! He replied that the best marketing is when your audience doesn't remember how they heard of you, but they know who you are... and that's the same way my knowledge of I'm Not At Work came about!
I don't remember exactly how it happened. Probably one of the Twitter handles I follow re-tweeted a post or something. What I do remember though is doing my research on what exactly I'm Not At Work was. What I found was a card that gave you entitlement to happy hour every hour to well known bars around the city! In THIS city where a cocktail during off hours will cost you an arm AND partially a leg! I thought, sign me up! I then realized to get these great 24/7 happy hour deals you needed a membership card. Initially I was bummed.
THEN as my luck might have it , I attended Thrillist's Superbowl party and the masterminds behind INAW, Mike and Alisa, were there giving the membership cards out to attendees. They were confident that we would love it and spread the word! First of all, this is a couple that you just automatically feel like you've been BFF with your whole life after knowing them for approximately two seconds because they're that welcoming in a non-phony way. Secondly, when they tell you they came up with the idea because they love happy hour but hate when it ends... well you wonder why you didn't think of the idea before and like them even more because they had!
The program has accumulated what I just counted as 68 bars in NYC and is rapidly growing! Each place has at least one 24/7 discount to offer exclusively to INAW card members. Because of these deals, my roommate, who attended the event with me and got a card of her own, has started plotting a pub crawl that you can essentially plan any day, any time and in any neighborhood... this could get ugly. To answer INAW's favorite question, "Can you handle 24/7 Happy Hour?!" Probably not, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try!
Now I just got my card in the mail last week, so I haven't taken it for a spin yet, but I plan to as early as tonight, so best believe I will be reporting back once I do! In the interim, Alisa and Mike were nice enough to give me a discount code that I can give to friends, my tweeps, and followers of the blog. So if you plan on getting a membership card (It pretty much pays for itself the first night you use it with the amount of money you save!) go here and enter promo code "SCAR" for $5 off!
Also, INAW is hosting their next "First Fridays" event at Identity on March 5th. You can RSVP here: If you see Mike or Alisa, tell them you heard about them from me!
Follow INAW on Twitter for updates on new venues, discounts, and drink specials associated with INAW memberships! Superbowl photo courtesy of Thrillist.
Now, I'm game for open bars, but four in one night is getting a little tricky! That being said, I hardly ever turn down a Paper Magazine event, and the fact that Svedka is sponsoring the two hour open bar? (Who am I kidding, I rarely turn down an open bar, period!) Well that's just trouble and I like it! Need help prioritizing? Try this:
5:50-6:50 pm- Butterfield 8 Open Bar 7:00-8:00 pm-The Hill Open Bar Courtesy of Overtime 8:00-10:00 pm- Rely on Coovents to supply a happy hour in between parties, or visit my go-to happy hour at Key Bar. OR use your potential I'm Not At Work membership card to get 24/7 Happy Hour around the city! (Blog on INAW coming tomorrow. Want a card but at a discounted price? Use the code "SCAR" for $5 off!) 10:00-10:40 pm Check out the secret Chinese New Year Party (Location has been revealed, but RSVP is CLOSED!) and be one of the first people to get there to get the Asian Dog! (They're saying it's an Asian spin on a hot dog... I hope so! :-/ ) 10:50-12:00 pm- "Best Promoter" Party for Andy Shaw at the Studio at Webster Hall. 12:01- Head home, you've had a long night!
Don't forget all thse parties do require an RSVP so get on it! Hope to see you out and about! FourSquare me!
So to give you guys an update on what is going on thus far Friday night, not only is the new nightlife and event company Overtime having a happy hour at the Hill from 7-8, there's also a secret Chinese New Year celebration (if you wanted to attend this RSVP is closed, sorry!) AND a Fashion Industry Cocktail Party! NOW Butterfield 8, a venue that has been home to many shenanigans, is having their Four Year Anniversary Party, offering an open bar from 6-7 and 10-11 and then also offering passed hors d'oeuvres. If you want to attend you must RSVP here. Not sure if you like to party hop like I do, but it looks like it'll be a good time. There's usually a line so arrive early! Heads up on the 4 Year Anniversary Celebration courtesy of 89th and Broke.
Locked in the Ivy Bakery with unlimited cookies, cakes, and cupcakes, oh my! With the summer sneaking up on us slowly but surely, that's just mean! Especially since they have an event at least once a month! If you don't care about getting bathing suit ready, you can check out the lowdown on Socially Superlative's Blog. If you go, tell me how it is, but make sure I'm already full before you start divulging the mouth-watering possibilities!
Overtime is a nightlife and event company that is building its' reputation as the authority on upscale open bars and happy hours at some of the trendiest venues in the city. This week they're having their meetup at The Hill, which I can attest to having some of the best cocktails I've ever had and some of the best bartenders, which happen to be friends of mine! Depending on whether or not it interferes with my secret Chinese New Year party, this might be my pregame spot before the night's festivities. You can also friend them on Facebook to find out about upcoming events!Hope to see you all there and you can RSVP here! See below for the info!
The Hill RSVP
COMPLIMENTARY VODKA OPEN BAR (7-8pm) Includes: Well Drinks, Cosmos, Appletinis, Watermelontinis, Yuenglings & Bud lights FREE for Ladies & $10 for Guys with RSVP; ($10/$20 without RSVP)
To take advantage of this offer, you must rsvp by 5:00pm Friday, February 26th, 2010. This offer is not transferable. Please note that your name must match the submitted RSVP form and your ID. One RSVP per name and unique email.
This exhibit opens to the public on the 25th, but if you can convince A Private Club that you're press... or if you are in fact press (I always assume people aren't because I'm not!) you have the opportunity to attend the opening reception on the 23rd (tomorrow!). If you go, let me know how it is! Invite courtesy of Socially Superlative
Hey Everyone! I'm so excited that I have consistently written for a week and am already amped for round 2 this week! This is more than I've posted in the past two years! Granted I didn't post over the weekend and from what I saw, you might've missed out on some potentially great events, but I was back home on LI and my sister isn't the type to share her laptop. Needless to say it's nothing we all can't bounce back from and make better with the events for this week!
Initially I decided just to share the events I planned on going to or that I myself would attend to narrow down the many choices of free events in the city, but not everyone is exactly like me and I'm sure you guys want options! So I'll be posting some additional events that I might not be able to attend, but you sure can!
So get ready for another week and keep your eyes open, these events come up quickly!! Also make sure to follow me on Twitter, I tend to post or retweet events that I don't have time to post here.
DATE: Saturday, February 19th TIME: 11:59am PLACE: Union Hall, Park Slope COVER: Free!
Now, while I am super bummed that I'm not going to be around this weekend, you all know how I love a themed party, that doesn't mean you have to miss out. Union Hall in BK is hosting a Jersey Shore Dance Party and is encouraging attendees to fake bake, spray gel, and Ed Hardy their hearts out. Best depiction of the crew gets a prize!
Date: Friday, 3/26/2010 Time: 6pm- 11pm Location: Chacala NY, 394 Broadway, 4th Floor Cover: Free VIP Cover: $15 and includes drinks & swag bags! RSVP: HERE
According to the website, the event will be a showcase for the best new talent in Fashion, Accessories, Beauty, and Art. Looks like the booze will be provided by Denizen Rum too based on the signage on the site. Not sure how the event itself will be, but you know what I say? Fool me once, shame on you! (Brownie points to whoever knows what show I heard that on last week! I am in la-la-LOVE!)
I'll be at some crazy CNY party on the 26th, but for those of you that require something a little more classy, you can RSVP: HERE. $5 will get you a limited supply of free libations, so you're going to want to get there early if you do attend!
Not sure if there are spaces left since this is taking place tomorrow, but if Sharon can get you in you should definitely go. I know I'll be there! And Meet is a beautiful venue too!
Thursday 2/25 7:00 pm - Hudson Bar at the Hudson Hotel - FREE 356 West 58th Street
Happy Birthday, Urban Girl Squad! Urban Girl Squad turns two in February and to celebrate, we're throwing an Urban Girl Squad-style bash.
Help us party in style with a cocktail party at the Hudson Hotel Bar, where we'll have drink specials, door prizes, gift bags, and more. Whether you're an Urban Girl Squad regular or you are totally new to the group, come join the fun, have a few cocktails, and spend time with friends - old and new - in NYC.
We'll be featuring cupcakes and cookies from Sweet Hunnie Cakeshop and door prizes & gift bags from:
... and much more! We'll be adding more prizes here as they come in, so look out for more great brands.
Bring five friends to the party and you'll be entered in a raffle to win The Ultimate Urban Girl Squad Package: 5 free events and an Urban Girl Squad t-shirt!
You don't want to miss this FREE event. RSVP is required to attend. Space is limited, so reserve your spot now and invite your friends!
This event is open to women only! (Sorry Boys!)
RSVP Here, they already had to change the venue once due to being overcapacity!
So for those of you who are unaware since I find so many ways to get around it in convos by playng up my part-time nothings, I have yet again joined the ranks of the unemployed since a month ago. I haven't gone crazy with my copious amounts of free time yet, but it's getting there.
What has happened though is that with this new found freedom, I have started blogging again for a spa review website called Pretty City, where I'm going to share my knowledge of all things beauty... with all the products I use, you know that's a lot of firsthand knowledge! (You can view my beauty blog, "Sunshine, Lollipops, and Beauty Everything," here!)
I began thinking about how much I've neglected my personal blog. I am always hesitating to write and forever coming up with excuses as to why I don't write and then realized that the formula I tried to create way back in the day was way too restricting. My life is chaos and I am all over the place as my blog should be!
Then I was reading an article on targeting Twitter account traffic (Thanks for the article suggestion Manisha!) and the gist of the article was to give your followers what they want... and the epiphany came! What is everyone always asking me?! "How do you hear about all these events?!" So what am I going to do? I'm going to share my knowledge with all of you! Any invite I happen to stumble upon, I'm going to share it right here. That way, you know what I know...sort of! AND I'll free up space on my Facebook profile from my constant sharing! These are all events that I attend or would if my schedule isn't free sometimes. I can't guarantee it's always a good time as some can attest to, but it is what it is!
Now, will it just be invites? Probably not. It will probably be articles I think are interesting. Websites I might stumble across. Non-beauty related items I think are must-haves. But it will lack the same structure that my life does!
I already have some upcoming event invites to post, so I hope you're ready! Feel free to follow the blog too so you're always in the know... Things in this city happen at the speed of lightning and if you can't keep up, you miss out!