Now you can be disturbed too!

So here I am, trying to be nice and post suggestions of things you guys could do this weekend, when I could really care less because I won't even be in this great city of ours this weekend. And what have I stumbled across? Disturbing, disturbing things.
The lesser of the two evils is this: This weekend, in addition to the hot dog eating contest and our growing obesity problem, we are now subjecting ourselves to a pizza pie eating contest. In addition to indulging in 230 calories per slice and upwards, pizza indulgers are entering in hopes to win $14k. My Italian ancestors would be appalled.
Now, the big disturbance. This weekend until Halloween we have the utmost pleasure of hosting The Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill. As if NYC wasn't eccentric enough, for his first ever New York installation, street artist Banksy makes us carnivores hate ourselves even more by displaying things like chicken nuggets eating barbecue sauce and mobile fish sticks in a fish tank. Obviously not your typical pet store. Doubtful that these things are for sale. Even weirder, there are supposedly robotic monkeys, which seem very similar to a Basement Jaxx video, but you be the judge.
That is all. Have a great weekend after that!
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