It's been a while, I know I shouldn't have kept you waiting...

Okay, Beauty Mondays is in full effect. If you are anything like me, you have abused your body profusely with alcoholic concoctions over the weekend and are still reeling from the aftermath of the damage you did to your body. If you're looking for a quick fix to ease those lingering hangover blues, you'll probably bump into me at Lush, where I'll be heading to for my remedy.
The innovative beauty chain has recently launched Emotibombs, a mixture of aromotherapy scents in the form of a bath balm, that when put in the shower are meant to give you therapy based on the scent mixture you choose.
Some of the choices are, "Up You Gets," "Up the Wooden Hill," "Sex in the Shower," and the previously mentioned "Too Drunk" hangover cure. Other fellow Lush shoppers must have had as rough a weekend as mine, because there are no hangover cures left to be had, but I have to be honest, I might have to try the "Sex in the Shower" Emotibomb and see what kind of emotions ensue... I'll report back.
In the meantime, if you're looking for something to do, Chanel just launched their temporary Mobile Art Museum in Central Park's Rumsey Playfield, which is here until November 9th. Admission is free of charge, and the collection is based of their quilted collection.
Now you have beauty for the mind and body. Happy Monday!
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